segunda-feira, 21 de março de 2011

David Buckingham: um feito formidável na educação para as mídias

David Buckingham: A Formidable Achievement in Media Education

Writing about media education at both the theoretical and practical levels is a major challenge. Fortunately, while the number of publications is increasing, let's acknowledge that this is indeed a rarefied but important endeavour. However, the intellectual credibility and advancement of the media education movement depend on constantly reappraising our pedagogical practices.

Among the small group of published media educators, one of the most influential and, I should add, prolific, is David Buckingham, Professor of Education and Director of the Centre for the Study of Children, Youth and Media at the University of London's Institute of Education. (The Institute of Education is the UK's leading graduate school of education.)

Barry's Bulletin
March 2003

Leia  e descarregue o texto completo acima na página de Media Awareness Network - Barry's Bulletin - clicando aqui.

Leia mais sobre David Buckingham clicando aqui na página do Instituto Alana (Crescer na era das mídias eletrônicas), ali na Revista Nova Escola (David Buckingham fala sobre educação para as mídias) e acolá no MidiAtiva (Recriando a TV na sala de aula).

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